Thursday 5 June 2008

The Fratellis - Fratellis Star Has Secret Child

THE FRATELLIS frontman JOHN LAWLER has revealed he's a father to a nine-year-old boy.

Lawler, 29, fathered the child when he was 18-years-old, but soon left his hometown of Glasgow, Scotland to carve out a music career.

He explains, "I hadn't left Glasgow before we became successful - not because I didn't want to but because I was always skint.

"It's because I was unlucky enough to get this girl pregnant, who I was seeing when I was 18. By the time I'd paid everything I had to pay each month, I never had any money to do anything.

"It meant I couldn't go anywhere between the ages of 18 and 26. After that things started to get big for us. I had eight years of not leaving the house!

"That's why I love all this now - I get to travel all over the world."

But his son isn't impressed by his father's occupation.

He adds, "My son's nine now and I see him half the week when I'm at home. People wind him up at school. He asked me last week if I could do something else for a living."

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